Rotary Collection Turn Table / Lazy Susan
Baires Pack USA offers many types of Collection Stations but the simplest and most-widely used in the CPG industry is simple powered Rotary Collection Table or Powered Lazy-Susan. The shape of the plate is determined by your package, for example if you have bottles, or need to maintain a Standing Position it will require a Flat surface, but if you produce a Puff Snack in a Pillow Pack it is best to use the Concave surface on our Lazy Susan style systems.
Our Rotary Collection Tables are normally built with 304 Stainless Steel, with easy-to-use Power Controls, & with Adjustable Speed Control. They can be used at the end of a production line or integrated as an accumulation station.
We provide both Rotary Feed-In and Rotary Collection Tables as stand alone equipment or as a part of our Production Lines with our NAPLES 8 Premade Pouch Bagger, or DENVER Series Vertical Form Fill and Seal Bagger, or just about any other machine you can imagine!